The Moderate Washingtonian

Outlook on politics and elections in the state of Washington from an overall centrist viewpoint. My views tend to be libertarian in nature, but at the same time are largely nonpartisan.

24 April 2008

Majority supports nonpartisan offices in King County

A poll by SurveyUSA shows 53% of King County residents support a proposition pushed by Pete von Reichbauer to make most of the county's offices nonpartisan. Specifically, it would make the executive, assessor, and county council offices nonpartisan, potentially making it easier for Republican candidates. That isn't the tune being whistled by von Reichbauer and the proposition's supporters, but I think it's fairly clear what the motivation behind it is. Anyway, crosstabs are located here.

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At 7:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seems almost a moot issue after SCOTUS upheld I-872

Dave Gibney


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