The Moderate Washingtonian

Outlook on politics and elections in the state of Washington from an overall centrist viewpoint. My views tend to be libertarian in nature, but at the same time are largely nonpartisan.

02 December 2006

Murray pushes boulevard option

As reported in today's Times, outgoing House Transportation Committee Chair Ed Murray [D-Seattle] urged WSDOT to study a surface boulevard as a third option for replacing the Alaskan Way Viaduct. Murray, who as far as I knew had been one of the few legislators supporting Mayor Nickels' tunnel, wants to see if such a plan is feasible in addition to purportedly being a cheaper alternative to the tunnel or rebuilding the Viaduct.

Considering that Nickels and the Council are adamantly opposed to a rebuild and legislative Democrats are adamantly opposed to a tunnel, the surface/transit option might emerge as a suitable compromise. I doubt the governor will go against the vast majority of her Caucus and their solidly pro-rebuild stance, and with the Seattle City Council already having approved a boulevard solution as their preferred alternative to a tunnel, should the state refuse to finance such a project, things certainly seem to be looking up for Peter Steinbrueck.


At 12:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know I'd say *all* legislative Democrats are opposed to a tunnel...but Frank Chopp sure is :-)

The nice thing about the transit + streets approach is it gets you out of all that political infighting.
Neither side loses - the tunnel people don't get a rebuild, the rebuild people don't get a tunnel. We
can instead move forward toward a future that's going to rely less on SOVs anyway, and save our pennies for
regional projects like 520 and the eventual I-5 rebuild, as well as expanding light rail and other transit.

At 2:57 PM, Blogger TMW said...

Yeah, that's pretty much why I began to favour the boulevard option, as well. I had never been a fan of the main two options, so I really hope this choice comes into play as a good compromise.


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