The Moderate Washingtonian

Outlook on politics and elections in the state of Washington from an overall centrist viewpoint. My views tend to be libertarian in nature, but at the same time are largely nonpartisan.

27 October 2005

Strategic Vision v. SurveyUSA

GOP pollster Strategic Vision released a batch of state polls very similar to their last one, showing:

-George W. Bush and Chris Gregoire are unpopular
-Patty Murray and Dino Rossi are popular
-Maria Cantwell holds a modest lead over Mike McGavick and now Susan Hutchinson
-Hillary Clinton and Rudy Giuliani lead the state presidential primaries, at least in name recognition

We're fortunate to have also had SurveyUSA release its national approval ratings of governors and be able to compare the partisan SV to a nonpartisan poll, at least for Gregoire. SUSA has her 41/51 instead of 36/55, which roughly accounts for the presumed partisan bias. It also tells the rest of the country that, yes, we still don't like her and still want her out.

In addition, two days ago SUSA released their national approvals of members of the US Senate. Surprisingly, SV rated Patty Murray slightly better than in the nonpartisan poll, but rated Cantwell slightly lower than SUSA.


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