AWB ratings for 2006 -- finally
Long after other interest groups released their legislative scoresheets, the Association of Washington Business finally released theirs, just in time for primary season. Given the short session of the legislature earlier this year, and an apparent lack of contentious business-related bills, ratings are unusually high across the board. 2005 gave rather low ratings, so this year may help coax the AWB board to endorse a higher amount of Democrats than usual. Consistently pro-business incumbents such as Derek Kilmer, Tami Green, and Brian Blake ought not have to worry.There were a few surprises in the Democratic numbers, especially the unusually high scores by liberal representatives like Jim Moeller and Kathy Haigh. The bulk of the House caucus rated 43, with four liberal reps rating lower, including chronic bottom-dwellers Maralyn Chase and John McCoy. In the Senate, Adam Kline won the yearly contest against Sens. Jeanne Kohl-Welles and Pat Thibaudeau for lowest-rating Seattle lefty, his second year in a row.
High House Democrats
1. Brian Blake 61
2t. Jim Moeller 57
2t. Larry Springer 57
4t. Deb Wallace 52
4t. Derek Kilmer 52
4t. Tami Green 52
4t. Dawn Morrell 52
4t. Kathy Haigh 52
Low House Democrats
1. Bob Hasegawa 35
2t. John McCoy 39
2t. Maralyn Chase 39
2t. Mary Lou Dickerson 39
High Senate Democrats
1. Tim Sheldon 94
2. Mary Margaret Haugen 75
3t. Paull Shin 71
3t. Tracey Eide 71
3t. Jim Kastama 71
Low Senate Democrats
1t. Adam Kline 56
1t. Craig Pridemore 56
3t. Debbie Regala 59
3t. Pat Thibaudeau 59
3t. Jeanne Kohl-Welles 59Most surprising amongst the Republican figures is the broad difference between the top and bottom scores in each house. Generally the bottom of the GOP caucus will still rate in the high 70s or 80s, but in the House stretched into the 60s this year. The Senate numbers were packed together so tightly between high and low scores that little information can be derived from them. Simply a matter of a three votes separated the highest and lowest senators. Also, Rodney Tom was nowhere near the bottom of the GOP pack, rating in the middle of the caucus at 87. I, for one, hope he continues his business-friendly record in the Senate Democratic Caucus.
High House Republicans
1t. Toby Nixon 100
1t. Barbara Bailey 100
3t. 7 tied at 96
Low House Republicans
1. Tom Campbell 65
2. Fred Jarrett 70
3. Maureen Walsh 78
4t. 7 tied at 83
High Senate Republicans
1t. Cheryl Pflug 100
1t. Dan Swecker 100
1t. Dale Brandland 100
3t. 14 tied at 94
Low Senate Republicans
1. Bob Morton 82
2. Bob Oke 86
3t. Pam Roach 88
3t. Jim Honeyford 88
5t. Bob McCaslin 92
5t. Alex Deccio 92